My four wishes for 2024

    I wish some country or some world leader would have the courage take the moral high road on any subject or policy.

I wish the United Nations wasn't an Oxymoron.

    I wish all humans would refuse to fight
any wars and bring the military machines to a grinding halt. This adolescent posturing by world leaders and all political party members is cliche at best and represents evolutionary mediocrity and stupidity.

          I wish all citizens of Earth could recognize the political propaganda from their own country. If your only news source in the U.S. is Fox News then you are deceived and misguided. If your only news source in the U.S. is CNN or MSNBC you are also deceived and misguided. Why? Bias in any form makes enemies of us all. No matter which side you are on the results remain the same.

The true enemies of humankind are "human folly", ignorance, complacency and capitalism.


  "While reading this page keep in mind that I do not consider myself a conservative, liberal, Christian, Jew, Muslim,
Hindu, republican, democrat, communist, socialist, anarchist, racist or  hypocrite.

    I'm not the brightest human on Earth, but I can certainly see through all the human illusions we've created over thousands of years.

     I find myself in a world where truth and logic are blurred and right and wrong depend on perspective. Most humans adopt religions, traditions and laws from their local environment. Presently these beliefs bind humans to the past and effectively condemn the human species to endless confrontations. So do the math and come to your own conclusions.

The end of human conflicts will not be realized through the "human folly" we call politics, religions, patriotism or customs that we inherited from birth.
The secrets to our survival already exist in the physical universe around us and will be proven if you  bother to continue reading. 


HUMAN FOLLY #1 "Class and Elitism"

ClassHuman Folly+

    Newton's Third Law of Inertia simply put: Every action (force) is met with an equal and opposite reaction (force).

    In a fair and just world, hard physical or tedious work should be rewarded by an equal measure of financial reward. In today's world the elite, who actually work less, ironically make the most money. The elite may use the argument that intellectual achievements or talents deserve more money.
Talent and intellect come easily and naturally, yet it is worth no more reward than any other trade or profession.

      In truth the bulk of humanity's success comes from human labor.
We must remember that the vast majority of humans on this planet work the hardest and yet they don't have a choice regarding their education or environment.

Class distinction is an illusion. All humans have potential and deserve a chance to explore their own talents and capabilities.



Conflicting Ideologies
Racial Prejudice

do the math

    Today human conflicts pit Christian against Muslim, democracy against autocracy, Jews against Palestinians, republicans against democrats, Muslims against Hindus, blacks against whites, left against right, and the rich against the poor. All of these conflicts are totally absurd on a cosmic level. If humans continue to play the same primitive games, we will fall short of our true potential.


     Average Joe

Self Importance

    Self Importance is not the same as conceit. We humans spend way too much time comparing how things stack up to our own beliefs and desires. If life doesn't measure up to our standards, we can become offended, depressed or suffer many or all of the symptoms below:

Self Importance can produce the following results:

Putting up walls,
mass shootings,
fighting over ideological differences,
the abuse of power,

road rage,
lack of compassion,
not obeying traffic laws,
class distinctions of all kinds,
depression (sometimes),
and political polarization.
The list goes on and on...

    Humans must coalesce as a viable species, borders must drop, wars must end and a world government without corruption must exist. Humans should create a global infrastructure that allows total world compatibility, eliminates class distinction and allows each human the ability to reach their full potential. Laws would allow all activities that do not harm human life.

    Government, in an ideal world, should not establish policies, enforce religions, print money or support any class distinctions.

    Humans have not even begun to work together and presently even a simple colony of ants is more sophisticated and efficient.

Religions belong in the heart and not enforced on humans by any government.
so many beliefs

    It is perfectly OK to believe in something and ponder the mysteries of creation. Remember that all religions on Earth require faith because they all lack empirical proof. Hence "faith" conveniently enters into the frey. This is the strongest argument for separation of church and state.

    Logically and morally it is NEVER right, to impose religious beliefs on other humans as a form of government. Punishing humans in the name of any deity is proof the human species lacks the maturity to move beyond these presumptions.

FACT:  Republican's misguided notion that they have a right to control the female reproductive system is simply wrong. If humans really believe in a god then let their god pass judgement.

FACT: Women are sentient beings and always had control over the limits of their physical form.

    If the fact above is disputed by anyone consider the following:

    Humankind has spayed, neutered, sterilized and experimented on just about every helpless creature on Earth. So why stop at Humans?

    Funny how pro-lifers wish to protect the fetus but they refuse to help people born into poverty. They also push the homeless out of public places and deny basic rights to the poor.


"I will always refuse to blindly follow any political party, any religion or any law created out of ignorance, prejudice or human folly."



For something completely different.

Since the 1920's humans have been sending radio signals from Earth at the speed of light. WOW, can you imagine how far those waves have traveled?


Earth's Radio Broadcast distance.

According to Frank Drake's theory there could be an estimated 20 intelligent species in our Galaxy alone. The Galaxy's size alone would still make it almost impossible to recognize other intelligent species.


Politics on planet Earth
Bad Bad People

To quote George Orwell's "1984"
“We know that no one ever seizes power
with the intention of relinquishing it.”
Boy did he know the future?

    The three supposed leaders above personify evolutionary mediocrity. They are easily offended and could become very dangerous to the survival of the human species. The problem is the human race actually allows this to happen.

WARNING: Be fearful of any leaders who decide to extend their rule beyond well established term limits. They only care about personal glory. They are willing to sacrifice their own citizens in a war to achieve their delusions of grandeur ....and they do it because we let them.

    Citizens of this planet need to realize that NO person, dictator, or religious leader has the right to justify a war, declare a war or force any majority to fight. We must collectively evolve and dismiss aggression as contrary to the health of the species! Humans must adopt a common sense strategy which allows the development of a global infrastructure. This would allow all people the same peace of mind and demonstrate verifiable evidence of equality.

    If we unite as a viable species, we could eliminate bigotry, nationalism, competition, borders, prejudice and the rest of human folly.

    Presently every government on Earth is adopting behavior similar to the primordial amoeba. They are concerned with border protection and defense with little thought given to improving human infrastructure or relations.

    "We have reached a turning point in our society" according to renowned theoretical physicist Michio Kaku. "The next 100 years of science will determine whether we perish or thrive." Will we remain a Type 0 civilization, or will we advance and make our way to the stars?

   The high road would involve moving away from nationalism. It would require:
1. Sharing knowledge without prejudice,
2. Developing and standardizing infrastructure,
3. Teaching without prejudice,
And much much more.


alien observer

    I increasingly feel like a stranger in a strange land.  Apparently the U.S. government is totally deadlocked and useless. Putin is behaving like a crazed Neanderthal and Xi Jinping's paranoia requires a huge army to protect his country from a threat that never existed.

Fact: There are never just two sides to every problem and there should never be a two party political system. Two parties will always cause eventual polarization. Do the math!!! Humans are not rational enough to admit they might be wrong.

Fact: Trying to preserve the past and deny the future is futile. If we don't have compassion for all humans then we are still remnants of a primitive species. Come on people!!!

Fact:The current trend of all Earthly governments is to step back from global responsibility and circle their wagons as a defense against outsiders. Preserving nationalism is trending, yet it is still the moral low road and remains an evolutionary cliche.

Fact: Capitalism is not a form of government, yet every government on Earth is run by Capitalism. Hence greed has become the necessary driving force in the human species.

Fact: Three factors that prevent any true peace are capitalism, ignorance and tribal loyalty.


Fact: A country should never be divided by 50 states with 50 different sets of laws and rights. Even the term "The United States" has become an oxymoron. The U.S. is a perpetual swinging pendulum of right and left extremes. Laws change, rights are taken away and then reinstated. This type of government is doomed to fail and not fertile ground for growth.

Fact: In 2023 the United States of America is not ready to evolve beyond its two party system.
Half the country (republicans) are focused on preserving the past, ignoring science and protecting their faith and wealth. In many ways they emulate the Taliban by trying to enforce religious beliefs on others. The other half, the democratic party, wish to preserve equality and diversity by continuing to use the very system that created inequality to begin with.

Present forms of democracy will inevitably fail because capitalism can only provide security for the few while the many will suffer continued stress and hardship.

The New Republican Party
has become the party of fear.

    The once civilized republican party of Abraham Lincoln has turned into a homophobic, xenophobic mob that refuses to change. They ban books from schools like the Nazis did in WWII. They deny climate change, they invoke their freedoms in order to justify not getting vaccinated or not wearing masks during the Covid pandemic. They brag about freedoms yet insist on denying every female's right to control her own body.  They make it difficult for minorities to vote and they love their guns. Oh yeah, they go to church on Sunday.


Kudos to one leader

who managed to rise above it all.
He was the perfect example
of what a world leader should be.

Best Leader Ever
President Jose Alberto Mujica Cordano

    For five years, the 40th national leader of Uruguay, Jose Alberto Mujica Cordano, was the world’s poorest president. He served from 2010 to 2015, and retired at the age of 81. He and his wife live on a small, austere chrysanthemum farm outside the Uruguayan capital of Montevideo and they lived there throughout his presidency, refusing to occupy Uruguay’s lavish presidential palace.

    As the President of Uruguay, “Pepe” Mujica donated 90% of his $12,000 monthly salary to charities for the poor and small entrepreneurs. The amount left over, he decided, would be the median income of all the citizens of his country. His wife owns their farm, so President Mujica’s humble lifestyle includes just one major possession: a 1987 Volkswagen Beetle. He listed the old car’s value–$1800—as his only asset and total net worth in 2010, the first year of his presidency.

    When President Mujica left office in 2015—with a record-high approval rating and a thriving economy—a wealthy Arab sheik offered him $1 million for his now-famous Volkswagen. He said, if he did sell the old car, that he would donate the entire amount to a program he supports for housing the homeless.

    His humility may have come from the 13 years he spent in prison, a captive of the brutal Uruguayan military dictatorship at the time. His imprisonment included two years of solitary confinement underground in an empty old horse-watering trough. He said “My years in jail were a bit like a workshop for me—that actually forged my way of thinking and my values.”

    President Mujica viewed his presidency as a way to serve the people of his country, not as a way to enrich or elevate himself. He modestly saw the job as a civil service position.

    Can you imagine what the world would be like if all leaders behaved this way? One can dream.


This brings us to Capitalism

What a wasteWhere it belongs.
Capitalism is NOT a form of government,
and yet,
all governments on this planet are controlled by Capitalism.

    The one curse that has reduced 90 percent of the human species to poverty is the concept of money. Humans have adopted an economic system that perpetuates inequality and subjugation.

FACT: There is no situation involving capitalism that will allow every human the ability to achieve happiness or make a profit at the same time.
It's Impossible!

FACT: Physics suggests that the more energy required for human work, the more money you should make as a reward. This requires a certain energy/reward symmetry that doesn't exist in human economics... and probably never will.

  Capitalism is the reason 90% of humanity is getting ripped off.


  Imagine the millions of people on this planet that never achieve their full potential because of prejudice, lack of opportunity or poverty.


Demanding Money for an Education
What other species does that?
Demanding Money for Health Care
Who would ever do such a thing?

Capitalism's Woes



Capitalism is responsible for promoting profit over substance.

Example: Quality is replaced with mediocrity. Mindless movie sequels based on comic book heroes exist because they make money, thus originality is sacrificed for profit.
    The permanent source of power for all governments is the extortion of the masses. We are all plugged into the giant leech that is any government. It demands to be fed, in our case every march 15th. and those who are rich actually pay proportionately less taxes than the majority who are poor.

Capitalism prevents cooperation
    Capitalism replaces standardization with competition, hence it promotes incompatibility on a global scale. There is no global common standard to make things easy for most humans to communicate.

Pot holes, exploding homes and power failure
    Infrastructure is allowed to decay due to lack of funds. Unfortunately infrastructure is everything!

Lack of a source for truth
    Humans apply deception in order to make a sale. Worse yet is the desire to cheat humans for profit. Because of the media's desire to deceive and recent access to technological advances, there is no absolute source of truth that can be trusted or verified. Now the human species will never know a trusted source for fact.
Constant Commercials,
    Advertising replaces intellectual content with ads for medications, insurance and automobiles. One half hour of each scheduled TV  program is littered with 10 to 12 minutes of mindless commercial content. Today you can't see any video online without capitalism placing ads first. We have lost access to pure uninterrupted content.

Keeps wealth all in the family.

Class distinction (pure human folly)
    Class distinction is an illusion which preserves inequality around the globe.

    You pay extortion money to keep your house or drive your car. (required by law)

Health Insurance
    You pay extortion money to stay alive, yet have a hard time collecting the money when needed.
Health Risks
    In order to make a profit, manufacturers and food processing companies use substandard ingredients to increase profit. As in the case of Oxycontin, companies knowingly sell deadly and addictive products to make a profit.

     Rather than providing employment and housing to everyone, humans sweep the homeless under a rug of indifference (Out of sight, Out of mind)

Lowest bid mentality
 Want to win a profitable contract? Use substandard material and create shortcuts to win a bid. Thus we have buildings that collapse, cracks in substructures and exploding houses.

Price gouging.
    Taking advantage of disasters to make a profit.
Overcharging the government for goods and services.

Capitalism requires the acceptance of greed as the
necessary driving force behind humanity.


    The U.S. is falling apart due to our inability to maintain national infrastructure. We are no longer the leading example of a highly developed country. Failing infrastructure is the norm throughout the U.S. We have pot holes, rusting bridges, leaking gas pipes, exploding houses, collapsing parking lots, dirty hospitals, incompatible communication networks and a total lack of standardization in everything. Unfortunately most of the damage has not yet been discovered or repaired.

    Don't worry, China, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and all the wealthy countries will age and fail also. Why? Infrastructure requires continuous maintenance and capitalism prevents that from happening.

Why can't all humans have the basic necessities to survive? 

    The U.S. congress is so naive about funding infrastructure. There is nothing more important for the survival of humankind than defining, standardizing and maintaining all infrastructure. It is naive to believe that a one time budget for bridges, roads and railways will solve the decay of our human infrastructure.

Infrastructure requires continuous repair of:


Highways and Bridges,







Health and Education,




Underground lines & pipes

and Distribution routes


The Real State of the Union

For those of you who are not citizens of the United States consider the following:

The U.S. government has become a mindless swinging pendulum of right and left extremes. Laws change, rights are taken away and then reinstated.

    The U.S. congress confirms  judges by asking how they will rule in hypothetical situations. Does anyone see the disgrace in that?

   In 2022
the supreme court (republican controlled) looked to the constitution for an excuse to reverse Roe vs Wade. Since the constitution didn't actually mention abortion, they concluded that abortion was not a guaranteed constitutional right. During the confirmation of three of these judges, each stated that they would honor 50 years of precedence regarding Roe vs Wade. They lied, and now we have liars as Supreme Court Justices.

FACT: The constitution needs to evolve. All human activity must adapt
to situations that were not anticipated in 1787 (when the constitution was ratified). A government becomes stale and inflexible when its judicial system depends on just one old document for guidance.

Rich Buy Out
    Justice in America is a huge source of embarrassment.

    In the case of the United States, it seems justice is certainly NOT blind.
When is democracy not a democracy?

     Perhaps when the popular vote is taken away from the people and replaced by the flawed electoral college, which is easily manipulated by any political party.

Fifty States or Fifty Countries? Which is it?

    The fact that there are 50 states with different restrictions and laws, is proof that equality is non-existent in the U.S.
What is wrong with the two party system?

Examples of evolutionary stagnation.

Pro Russian patriotism and insanity.

No Difference
Notice the similarity?

American Thugs
Pro U.S. patriotism and insanity.

There is No difference between the thugs of Hitler's SS, Russia's thugs or  U.S. thugs.

    Thugs and goons are used by Saudi Arabia to kill and dismember Jamal Khashoggi. They are also used by the US to water-board and torture. They were used in Tianamen Square in Beijing and Russia's Bucha atrocities in Ukraine. Alas all Earth's governments are fearful of global cooperation and we may yet witness the end of freedoms for all humanity.


Price gouging:
Contractors are charging our own government exorbitant prices for needed technology and weapons.
Originally NASA was charged $328.00 for one Oil Pressure Switch with sensor. The TV show Sixty Minutes had proof that they were charged $10,000 for the same switch later on.

Raytheon Technologies sold the military Stinger Missiles at a price of $2500.00 a piece. Today the replacement of each stinger missile costs $400,000

Capitalism requires the acceptance of greed as a
necessary driving force in humanity.

How money influences:

NASA's  SLS vs Space X Starship


The SpaceX Starship has no waste,  more cargo space, costs less per launch and can launch up to 100 times per year.

So why use the SLS?  Because of Capitalism, money is doled out to contractors in influential states and congressional districts. Money dictates everything on Earth and controls every decision our governments make, even if those decisions are illogical or immoral.

Capitalism is a disgrace that promotes profit over human life.


What is worth doing?

The only true rewards in life are easily identified by every human.
These rewards are immediate and self satisfying:

and Happiness

A global non-threatening government
can provide a new world with equality.
1. All homes are designed to withstand floods and hurricanes.
2. Water is collected and utilized efficiently everywhere.
3. Medical care is freely given to everyone.
4. There is no such thing as Insurance (legally backed extortion).
5. Education is free a
nd not based on age or time limits.
6.  People don't need to work 8 hours a day (Why not 4 hours).
7. There is no reason to hoard anything.
There are no homeless.
9.  Police would still exist because human anomalies will always exist.
10. There are no social class distinctions.
11. The United Nations would morph into the only governing body.

Infrastructure and information are government's only responsibilities.
13. All resources and research would be shared globally.
14. There are no dictators, autocrats or monsters to threaten anyone.
Gold is merely another element to use.
16. All people are given the freedom to explore their interests.
17. Religions exist and remain in the mind and not enforced on others.
18. No evictions, no litigations, no advertising
19. No Passports
20. Guaranteed freedom of religion or from religion.
21. More time, no stress, more freedom...What's not to like?

The solutions to humankind's problems are the easiest to implement technically, yet the hardest to implement emotionally.

Present DayIdeal World

    Which of these worlds (above) has the best chance to succeed? On the left we have a world divided. The answer is the world on the right. A world without race and class distinctions, conflicts or borders.

Perfect Global Government

GLOBAL COOPERATION - World Government that favors all people and protects each citizen equally.

GLOBAL INFRASTRUCTURE - For humans to survive it is necessary that we maintain and develop a consistent and improved infrastructure (communications, medical, water, power, transportation, education, health and housing) at all times. Once this is established then freedoms and personal growth expand exponentially.

GLOBAL STANDARDIZATION - One of the most important aspects of accelerated evolution would be global standardization.  It would allow all people access to the same products and technology for a specified length of time without suffering incompatibility problems.


And Finally


    Have you ever heard two political parties in a debate where the outcome results in one or the other party conceding defeat? Humans are only interested in winning at all cost, thus logic is useless in such cases.


Have and Have Not

So Wrong
Isn't the contrast sickening?
The man above is nothing to those two women.

Statue of Liberty 



"Give me your tired, your poor,
your huddled masses yearning to be free,
the wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

"Now it appears most Americans have determined that we can no longer afford compassion or tolerance. Thank you Trump!


"Keep your tired, your poor,
your huddled masses yearning to be free,
keep the refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed elsewhere.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door,
and a sign reads NO Vacancy."

Black Lives Do Matter
As do all lives, but we are responsible for the deplorable slave issues of the past and we must make amends.

true bravery

A look into the past reveals faces of hatred and ignorance. Imagine the bravery of this young woman. Ignorance is the ONLY excuse for the above disgrace.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY" - Look how low we've sunk regarding intellectual property. We develop cures for diseases yet we are only interested in selling those cures for profit. "Let them pay up or die", that's our motto!



    Why do humans try to educate their children under the constraints of a stop watch? Why do we force our children to pass through the eye of a needle at the end of every year? Why do we limit what they may learn? But the most embarrassing thing we humans do is demand payment for knowledge. What species does that? What species would deny an education to anyone simply because they lack the money to pay for it?

    Humans must crystallize into a species with a cosmic perspective. Imagine how humans would benefit if all knowledge and resources were freely shared. The rewards are in "the doing" itself and not in financial enticements.


SLAVERY STILL EXISTS - Slavery in modern times is driven by Inequality. Some humans work the majority of their waking hours for minimum wage. If humans must use money then, to be fair, wages should be based on individual energy output. Those who work the hardest in a physical sense should earn the most money.

Imagine the weight loss!!!


Recipe for disaster:

2 cups of Nationalism,
2 cups of religion (any will do)
3/4 cup of Ignorance (not stupidity just ignorance),
and a dash of bigotry, jealousy, envy and want.

Bake at 90 degrees



All the ancient peoples of Earth still exist. The Maya, Inca, Greek, Anasazi, Roman, Egyptians, Nubian, Mongols and natives of all kinds are still here. They simply disperse amongst the rest. Yes even the DNA of Neanderthals has contributed to human evolution. Anything that is physically possible can happen and is natural.

A Personal moment in my life
A beautiful moment in time near Bali 1968

    We were sailing the pacific on the USS Providence just off the coast of Bali in 1968. I was in the navy band assigned to the USS Providence heading south toward Australia. It was
12:00 midnight on a hot still night and I was sitting on the deck with a few of my friends in the band. Everything was eerily quiet and even the sound of a nuclear cruiser cutting through the water was lost in the absolute quiet of a mirror smooth ocean. The surface of the water was completely hidden under a 2 foot high fog layer. It was as if we were sailing on a white endless cloud. Above us the Milky Way was crystal clear. 

    Out of the cloudy mist below emerged flying fish. They would glide about 20 yards before diving back into the white silence. The whole experience was like living in a Dali painting. The flying fish, the silence and the fog were all components of a beautiful moment that I would never again experience. It wasn't over yet!! 

    Gary Marcus, a 1st class petty officer, who was a phenomenal tenor sax player, appeared on deck dressed only in his underwear and with his tenor sax hanging from his neck. He was following an officer up to the bridge. My friends looked at each other and agreed that he was fuming mad. Not five minutes later we heard "Bali Hai" played over the loud speaker so the whole ship could hear it. Once the melody was over he finished it off with a mad flurry of notes, as if pissing all over what he had just played. Ahhh, the wonderful language of music. It was a beautiful evening in so many ways.

    I was recently told by Mike Burns (a fine musician and one who knows about sacrifice) that Gary Marcus was married and needed to stay in the Navy to pay for his child's medical problems. Thank you Mike, as always inspiration comes from those around us.

Misguided Patriotism

    Any government that murders its own people is corrupt and paranoid. Above: These ignorant Chinese soldiers think they are doing the right thing, just like Americans at Kent State or Egyptian soldiers in Cairo. The girl above is a Tibetan demonstrator who ends up with half her head blown off. How noble is Humankind? The U. S. government would do the same thing to it's own citizens if the wealthy felt threatened.

It's amazing how humans have accepted the fact that our brave leaders have the right to send our sons and daughters to their deaths. WHY?


"MEDICAL INSURANCE" - Medical insurance is extortion paid by individuals to stay alive and backed by our government. Asking for money in return for medical care is embarrassing on a cosmic level. My apologies to any intelligent life out there.

The universe is full of matter in motion.
Matter in motion leaves a trail.
That trail is Memory.
Everything that you perceive is memory.

       Craters on all planetary bodies are memory.
       Scarred rocks from receding glaciers are memory.
       A snail's trail is memory.
       Ripples in the sand,  or a sticky dollar bill are memory.
       A bruise, a cruise or a short fuse are memory.
       A scar, a book or a pink slip are memory, 

      Everything that moves or is moved upon is memory........

Now, hypothetically, if there is an awareness of all memory in the cosmos then that would suggest a singular universal consciousness. A glimmer of hope for all the religious out there.

"Speaking of memory, I can't tell you how many times I've stood in a room wondering what I was doing there."     


Nothing for now, but I'll use this spot to rant and rave.



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All pages are free Glenn Adkins